Abstract: Background: Higher Education is a level of education after secondary education that includes diploma programs, undergraduate programs, master's programs, doctoral programs, professional programs and specialist programs, which are organized by universities based on Indonesian culture. Higher Education is an education unit that organizes higher education, both state universities organized by the government and private universities organized by the public. Higher education has the aim to develop students to become human beings who have faith and are devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, skilled, competent, and cultured for the benefit of the nation. Students who are pursuing tertiary education at tertiary institutions are called Students. Students with the highest status are referred to as one of the nation's next generation who are able to make a real contribution to the educational and social development of the community. (Article 1 Number 2, Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education).The number of cases of narcotics abuse by college.......
Keywords: Students, Narcotics, Criminology
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